Additional Resources

Books and Book Chapters

Bossard, C.C., J.M. Randall, M.C. Hoshovsky, Editors. 2000. Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands. University of California Press. Available online

Czarapata, E. 2005. Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.

DiTomaso, J. M. and E. A. Healy. 2006. Weeds of California and Other Western States. University of California Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

O’Meara, S. and Trujillo, J. 2021. Inspection and Cleaning Manual for Equipment and Vehicles to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation . Available online

Gettys, L. W. T. Haller and D. G. Petty (eds.) 2020. Biology and Control of Aquatic Plants: A Best Management Practices Handbook. Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation, Marietta, GA. Available online

Langeland, K.A. and Burks, K. C (eds.) 2000. Identification and Biology of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas, University of Florida. Available online

Swearingen, J. M. and Fulton, J. P. 2022. Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas Field Guide. Passiflora Press. 200 pp. Available online

Uva, R. H., J. C. Neal and J. M. DiTomaso. 1997. Weeds of the Northeast. Cornell University Press, Ithaca.

Vandiver VV. 1999. “Florida aquatic weed management guide”. Univ. of FL, IFAS, Cooperative Extension Service, Publ. SP-55, 130 pp.

White D.J., E. Haber and C. Keddy. 1993. Invasive plants of natural habitats in Canada: an integrated review of wetland and upland species and legislation governing their control. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Canada. 121 p. Available online

Whitson, T.D. 1999. Weeds of the West. Western Society of Weed Science.

Zouhar, K. et al.. 2008. Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative invasive plants. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 355 p.  Available online

Links to More Information (also search for your state, territory or region’s invasive species council and invasive plant partnerships)

California Invasive Plant Council

Capital Region PRISM

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida

Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health (

Coastal Restoration Toolkit

Forests Pests and Pathogens

Invasive Species Centre (Canada)

Maryland Invasive Species Council (MISC)

Midwest Invasive Species Network

National Invasive Species Information Center

North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA)

North American Invasive Species Network (includes links to Cooperative Weed Management Areas)

Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council

Texas Invasive Species Institute

Washington Invasive Species Council